25 September 2023

JM Finn returns to the Bury Free Press awards to sponsor the Eco-Friendly category

JM Finn was pleased to support and present the Eco-friendly award category at the Bury Free Press Awards ceremony.

The Bury Free Press Community Awards are a fantastic way to champion the community heroes in Bury St Edmunds.

JM Finn was particularly interested in sponsoring the Eco-friendly award as the firm is committed to environmental stewardship, and encouraging sustainability in various sectors, with a particular focus in the areas surrounding the four regional offices.

It was great to see Steph Holland from West Suffolk Hive CIC win for the second time of the evening (after scooping the Best Event by a Community Group accolade).

On the double win, she said: “It has just been quite unexpected, but very lovely. We feel quite small in comparison to some of these more established organisations, but it is nice to know we are having a positive impact. I just want to say a big thank you so much to everyone, it is really appreciated.”

The highly commended went to Still Good Food, a community food waste project run by volunteers, which provides surplus “damaged” or near-to-expiry food to those in need. Ultimately, this reduces food waste and helps those struggling with the cost of living. The service has a significant impact on the sustainability of food consumption in Bury St Edmunds.

Dominic Crame, Senior Investment Manager at JM Finn, commented “Through the Eco-Friendly award, we are proud to recognise and celebrate those that exemplify true environmental stewardship. The winners of the award demonstrated an outstanding commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainable practices.”


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